Before you start any marketing campaign, you need to check the wipo indonesia trademark database konsultan patendo for the brand and product name. This step is essential since you will spend months on the registration process. You wouldn’t enjoy it when the directorate general denied your application because another company has registered the same name.
The Benefits of being part of the Wipo Indonesia trademark database
Being part of the database ensures that your trademark is already registered with the Indonesian directorate general of Intellectual property. It also provides information to any ventures aiming to expand to Indonesia.
The database is one of the methods that WIPO uses to provide comprehensive information to the public. Especially in ensuring up-to-date coordination among intellectual property bodies in each country.
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How to Use the database
WIPO database is easy to use. And since it’s connected to the database in the Indonesia Directorate General of intellectual property, you can rest assured that they have an automatic update.
Once you are on the landing page, you can search immediately. All you have to do is to type the name of the brand you’re looking for on the search bar and hit the return button. You also can search based on the owner’s name or registration number. Of course, you can only search by registration number when you are familiar with the documents.
The search engine accepts wild card characters and phrases. In case you want to broaden your search and look up variations, you can replace one of the characters with an asterisk or a question mark.
After you find the brand you’re looking for, you can click to see the detailed information. It contains the trademark owner, applicant, and limitations. You also can see when it will expire.
The WIPO database is perfect if you’re doing research for your company. You can monitor both your brands’ trademarks as well as competitors.
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Limitations and Exceptions
Another thing that you must be aware of is the limitation and exceptions on intellectual properties. Limitation sets a working scope for the products or services that the companies provide. In short, a company can apply for international registration to only have parts or all of its products to sell in a specific country. They can get limitations as a subsequent request or internal application. An example of a limitation is how a fashion brand may only sell a specific set of apparel in different stores worldwide.
Anyhow, if the company wants to do business in Indonesia, they need to register its trademark in the country. But since Indonesia has adopted the Madrid law, it may hasten their application process.
The WIPO Indonesia trademark database holds records of all trademarks registered in the Indonesia Directorate General of Intellectual Property. Therefore, it has all of the information you need on a specific brand. If you’re trademarking an item, you can check the status in the database. It’s also a good way to monitor your intellectual property and keep it up to date.